Taking Control of Your Technology

Taking Control of Your Technology

Technology gives us power, but it does not and cannot tell us how to use that power. This statement perfectly captures the problem with technology. We need it, especially in our businesses. Could you imagine trying to do business without email or the internet? It’s...
Declutter Your Internet Browser & Bookmarks

Declutter Your Internet Browser & Bookmarks

When it comes to digital hygiene and overall wellness, our internet browsers hold a lot of power. After all, that’s where most of us spend the good majority of our focus every day.  Let’s focus in on the many features of internet browsers — whether you use Chrome,...
Business Systems Are Not Scary

Business Systems Are Not Scary

When I tell people they need systems in their business, the fear is almost visible. People worry that systems will be complicated and hard to set up, but here’s the thing: systems don’t have to be scary. Let’s repeat that: systems do not have to be scary....
Reviewing Routine Tasks

Reviewing Routine Tasks

It’s a new year and I’ve decided my focus for 2023 is ‘simplicity’. One of my yearly January routines lends itself nicely to setting up a great foundation to accomplish just that.  At the beginning of every year I find that I have to set up new files, folders,...