Tame Your Email Inbox

Tame Your Email Inbox

We all use email to stay connected. It’s fast, convenient, accessible from anywhere, less disruptive than a phone call, and leaves a conversation to look back on.  But without healthy habits, a grounded mindset, and good organization, your inbox can feel like...
Spring Cleaning Your Technology

Spring Cleaning Your Technology

Spring is known as a time of renewal and an opportunity for fresh starts so it’s no wonder that spring cleaning is such a popular topic. I find when the weather changes from cold to warm I get an itch to open the windows and let the fresh air in. I find myself...
Clean Up Your Contacts

Clean Up Your Contacts

Decluttering our contacts is one of those “do it now and be grateful for a long time” tasks. It can feel like a heavy lift, but it’s SO worth it. How many times have you spoiled someone’s surprise birthday gift or thank you note by asking for their birthday or...